How the FUCK do you play this game? I’ve played Hearts 2 years ago in high school and it didn’t feel as absolutely daunting as this one. I’m playing as Spain during the revolution (which just might be a hard campaign) and everything ends up as a stalemate with the fascists until I run out of supplies.
Setting up AI attacks seems goofy and difficult. Is there a better way to organize/run armies? Do I have to babysit certain battalions/armies to sit and wait until they’re organized and the pincer enemy positions? Like I said, Hearts 2 seemed really straightforward and I never really had issues defeating like, the fucking Nazi’s in Stalingrad or killing Argentina as Brazil.
For reference this advice is more of a stress test for the verisimilitude of HoI4’s war simulations than it is likely to actually work within the parameters of the game. I have never played HoI4.
As cool as this would be, unfortunately none of this is represented in the base game.
You have got to be fucking kidding me. Seriously? None of them? How the fuck do they model the path to victory for the Red Army in the Russian Civil War then? That was more or less the strategy Lenin and Trotsky used (or tried to use) to beat the Whites and the imperialists (minus the parts about the 3rd international being a counterrevolutionary element, and swapping out a few of the proper nouns).
The game starts in 1936, so no Russian civil war. When the Spanish Civil War breaks out, Spain becomes instantly divided between Franco’s Spain and Republican Spain. In one of the DLC’s, which I don’t have so I don’t know much about this, at some point during the war the anarchists spawn in Catalonia as a 3rd faction in the war and I believe they start at war with both sides. I’m not too sure but I think Franco can fuck up and spawn a 4th faction which is Monarchist. I’m not too sure about that one, that might be a mod. But yeah, the political system in paradox games is grossly simplistic at best and extremely politically illiterate at worst.
I will add that there may be mods that cover at least some of that stuff. The modding scene really saves this game, as the base game feels kinda barren at times.