Is this opposite day?
I think I agree with this statement, but one thing that’s struck me is chapos who will happily proclaim “there are concentration camps at the border” while also saying “there’s nothing wrong with what’s happening in Xinjiang!”. Possibly comes down to a few things:
Some people genuinely see them as different enough that one is worse than the other (I don’t really agree, though I’m pretty sure ICE camps are going to be a few notches worse in brutality)
People are being diseneguous for propaganda purposes (doesn’t really bother me that much tbh)
these are two different groups of people, and nobody actually believes both of these things at the same time (I’m kinda doubtful)
Anyway, just something I’ve had noodling around for a few weeks…
Yeah there’s no difference between ICE treating people seeking asylum, or just trying to live somewhere better, like literal cattle at the border, during a pandemic, and the program of de-radicalization that’s going on in Xinjiang.
You literally said that you don’t believe these things are different enough to say that one is worse than the other.
Filing that statement in with an actual description of both things isn’t a strawman. It’s a restating your argument in clear and unambiguous terms.
If you don’t like how that makes your argument look, then don’t speak without investigating the issue more thoroughly beforehand.
CW sexual assault
A while ago I noticed that the Soviet Soldier raping “our” women trope was leveraged in Germany by precisely the people who were Nazis and the people after them. Who did not in any sense argue as strongly against the murder or sexual violence committed by the Nazis and such. Thus the correct take is to understand is that it is propaganda which is used to dehumanize “slavic” people and is a continuity which shall not be used.
In a similar vein, even if countries which aren’t the western core do things that I’d rather see different it would be wrong to bring those points up or compare them directly in media.
Of course, I would never bring such a discussion outside of this website, lest I aid Western imperialism in any way. As long as we are among comrades though, I don’t think it’s an issue since it’s all meaningless jerking off without any sort of power base to do literally anything about it (regardless of the outcome)