I’m not actually upset Grandma and Grandpa are getting vaccinated first. My state abandoned any pretense that “essential workers” might get prioritized in the vaccine rollout once hospital staff all got theirs and is now functioning on a purely age based rollout. Many of my coworkers and I are “essential” frontline workers and many of us are in our twenties or teens which means we will be some of the last people to get vaccinated, meanwhile a bunch of comfy PMC-types in their thirties and forties who get to work from home are going to get their shots months ahead of us.
It’s bad enough that they’ve essentially condemned us to death for the economy this whole time, but now they’re not even doing it for the economy.
Older people should get it first, because they’re the ones mostly at risk. Check out the covid deaths by age group https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/nvss/vsrr/covid_weekly/index.htm
Of the 480,000 covid deaths they have confirmed, only 7,000 were people under the age of 40. It’s rare that someone young without comorbidities dies. But for people 60+, this is extremely dangerous.