Comrades, I’ve come across a free source of pallets and scrap wood and the mutual aid homeless encampment project in my city is accepting them. My current efforts are to ferry the supplies to the camp weekly so that someone there can add on to the current structures.
Since I wanna get involved in building some shelters but I have very little construction or design experience here’s my question for chapo: Are there any good pallet shelter designs specifically for sleeping in and using as a tiny home? Most of the things I’ve found online are just imagines of finished pallet livestock shelters, but I want to find something that details the process a bit more.
That depends on the region you’re building in, year-round weather conditions, the amount of space you’re allowed to build in, amenities you want to fit in, and resources at your disposal to build with.
Like for example if you’re in a winter zone, you’d need to deconstruct the pallets and use the boards to build more air-tight walls and either cover the exterior with or build an interior wall to fill with heat-retaining material, in addition to constructing a more angled roof to prevent roof collapses from snow/ice weight, with even the possibility of building a slightly elevated floor surface insulated against the frozen ground to allow for a more warm interior.
There’s lots to concider so do take your time coordinating with skilled people to make good shelters for your area.