Strong “I identify as an attack helicopter” vibes.
Don’t wander in if you’re feeling vulnerable, but that goes without saying for anything on reddit.
How do they not understand this? If you say “I’d never date or have sex with a trans person” that’s just plain and simple bigotry, because it’s singling out being trans as a deal-breaker. I know everyone has their type, but if the only thing stopping you is the person being trans…that’s where you’re transphobic. They seem to have flipped “you shouldn’t reject a person on the basis of being trans or not” into some kind of extremely bizarre not real thing that’s like “it’s mandatory to have sex with trans people or else you’re a bigot.”
It’s also fucking weird how much they focus on lesbians being harassed by trans women. You’d think the problem there would be a person suffering harassment. They seem to be suggesting it’s extra bad when a trans woman does it versus anyone else.
How do they keep coming up with new ways of denying the existence of trans people
they aren’t exactly saying “I’m a straight man, which on the basis of sex means I’m attracted to cis women, trans men, and non-binary people who were assigned female at birth.” They’re saying “I have no interest in trans people.” The lack of nuance is where the transphobia is.
It’s not transphobic to have genitalia preferences. Having an entire subreddit to being “super straight” definitely is, though. :cringe: