That’s a good attitude but you should still give some of Deng and Xi’s writings a shot. I think their theories are consistent with Marxism.
I’ve been going down the “well actually Bukharin was pretty damn based” route lately and I really like his take on Historical Materialism and his ideas about equilibrium. Deng and Xi come from that general route right? You have recs for their writings?
I’ve been slowly reading through Deng’s selected works, ignoring some that seem too niche.
In particular:
Integrate Marxism-Leninism With the Concrete Conditions of China
Hold High the Banner of Mao Zedong Thought and Adhere to the Principle of Seeking Truth From Facts
To Build Socialism We Must First Develop the Productive Forces
As for Xi, the Governance of China is the way to go. The third volume was just published.
Not sure about Bukharin’s relationship to SwCC. I don’t remember seeing him cited, at least.
im asking this in good faith (and i agree with your post), what do you make of china’s “support” of israel and of philippines against mlms there? i know damn well china’s “support” of israel is not comparable to america’s though.