Ranked #230 out of 240 House Dems, fuckin yikes.
EDIT: Notables include Ilhan Omar at #214, Raul Grijalva at #14, Ro Khanna at #32, Rashida Tlaib at #92, and Bernie Sanders ranked #97 out of 100 in the Senate.
look I cancel aoc as often as anyone but this is like yikesing over someone being ranked as one of the least effective serial killers
My skepticism radar kicked in at “University of The State With All The Military Contractors” and ratcheted to Defcon 1 when I checked out their About section:
Jason Altmire served three terms in the United States House of Representatives from 2007-2013. He is the author of: Dead Center: How Political Polarization Divided America and What We Can Do About It. During his time in office, the nonpartisan National Journal calculated Altmire’s voting record to be at the exact midpoint of the House – the Dead Center – giving him the most centrist voting record in Congress.
Just fuck the fuck right the fuck fucking off you fucking fuck.
Right? If you’re actually on the left the only legit criticism I really see is “Man…all that pandering has really gotten you somewhere huh?” A lot of people are really missing the mark on this including Kyle Kulunski. The real reason to be upset at AOC is that she’s just not posting like she used to.
It’s 2021 and if you’re still expecting her to change hearts and minds or be effective at passing legislation in the senate then you don’t get the game being played here. Its the middle of a fucking pandemic and an ongoing massive crisis and we’re still not willing to talk medicare for all for fucks sake. Her effectiveness was her willingness to unapologetically fight for the right thing and heighten the contradictions in the process.
80% of the AOC criticism on this website could literally be found on r/neoliberal.
Come the fuck on do better than posting this drivel.
This is one of the biggest wastes of time and money I’ve seen from academia in a while, and that is saying a lot
This seems like the equivalent to those people who criticized Bernie Sanders for not having many bills he authored pass.
At a certain point, these people do not want to author or co-sponsor something that goes against their beliefs, but they are able to hold-up something to try and improve it, like Sanders trying to get $2,000 relief checks to people around New Year.
Now, maybe Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez would do better in this ranking if she co-sponsor some random, rather unimportant, bills just for the sake of having something pass.
At the end of the day, I am not losing sleep over this.
“passing 20 anti-trans bathroom bills is effective, everyone else voting down the green new deal is ineffective”
like, literally the main thing any Sanders/Squad supporter cares about is their values – people are well aware that the progressive/unapologetic self-identified socialist faction has very little influence in Congress, but people want their ideas visible (which has been done), people want them publicly debated (also a successful effort), and people want more representation of these viewpoints (which is an ongoing effort but by all measures is going fine at least). “Bernie/whoever else never gets anything done” has always been a bad faith, bad take.
so like what does this mean? she’s not good at getting her agenda passed? If her agendas/motions/bills whatever aren’t passed but they’re supported by most people in the country…isn’t that a fucking indictment of the rest of the shitheads and not her???