Is there any good sites for audiobooks that aren’t behind private trackers? I have a great set up with normal ebooks but my wife’s job has here driving for multiple hours a day so she wants audiobooks and I can’t seem to find any consistent sites.
I have been thinking of maybe having some way that Audiobooks (split in mp3s) are available directly to stream using Podcast Apps like Pocket Casts.
I got to the point where I can split the M4B into Mp3s, and manually creating the XML File for the podcast. The only problem is where should I host it.
Do you use Usenet? Then any spotweb(spotnab) site will give you tons.
Oh and I believe Readarr can do Audiobooks as well as regular ebooks (Not tested it myself). had a massive collection of audiobook torrents. 1 torrent per letter of alphabet according to author last name. I assume it’s still in there somewhere
I had some luck with this project I plan to re install soon.