My anarchist comrades are very cool and good. I think being an anarchist in a lot of online leftist spaces can be tough, so thanks for sticking it out here and bringing your perspective.
If you’re not an anarchist but you believe in left unity, you should read The Dispossessed. It’s an amazing book on it’s own, but it’s a beautiful story about how an anarchist society could work.
I hear MLs say things like “yeah we can go after each other after the revolution”. But I think that is bullshit. In any sort of leftist project, I think MLs and anarchists totally need each other. It’s like yin and yang. If I’m living in a revolutionary state that is mostly ML-leaning, I think you need anarchists comrades to push towards eventually eliminating the state. We need each other.
Love you all.
:left-unity-2: :anarkitty: :anarchy-heart:
I disagree totally. As much as I love my anarchist comrades, let’s be honest, left unity is both desirable and easy because the stakes are so low. Nobody here is part of an ongoing revolution, and so disagreements about ideology or tactics are disagreements that can and should be worked out respectfully.
If the revolution kicked off tomorrow and we were making real, life and death decisions that determine our success or failure, it’s not so easy. The ML and anarchist positions both argue for irreconcilable approaches to revolution and both are principled and have their own internal logic. There’s no particular compromise available, as you can’t have half a state. At a certain point, one approach must win out and the other side must be willing to compromise their beliefs or present militant opposition, at the risk of harming the revolution as a whole.
one of the main things this shitfuck site has going for it is that it gives a fuck about leftist unity.