Also how the fuck is Algeria 57.5% and lower than Saudi Arabia, mfs over there didn’t allow women to drive until 2018
Also how the fuck is the west bank the worst country in this tf
Brazil on 85 despite abortion being a crime that can get you arrested and put in jail for years.
if not country.white:
country.score = random(0,90)
China: 75’6
Saudi Arabia: 80
These maps and statistics are always such absurdly obvious propaganda. It’s really impressive that most people see this and just believe it. Confirmation bias is really scary isn’t it? People want it to be true so they believe it.
Looks like the US lost 9 points because abortion being borderline impossible in half the states and extremists harassing women in front of clinics and all the conservative politicians platforming on abortion ban and the Roe v Wade overturn thing.
But China is still lower for… reasons
Edit : oh and I forgot, I don’t think French women getting catcalled and sexually assaulted basically 40 times a day would agree with the perfect score :)
Heads up Argentinian women, the “Visual Capitalist” thinks you should move to Saudi Arabia to get better treatment.