The idea that the Palestinian people have only been able to persist because of their religion is ridiculous to me. They are resisting because colonialism, apartheid and genocide are very bad things to which nobody would want to be subjected, not because of Islam. If Palestinians were atheists, is he suggesting that they wouldn’t have the strength or the will to resist? Would their lack of a belief in the supernatural turn them into doormats for Isn’treal?
I like Hakim’s content, but his position on religion is quite frustrating. He is a Muslim first and a Marxist second. Also, Joram van Klaveren is still a right-winger.
i think the primary motive for following religion in a genuine way is to seek peace and acceptance within human existence. being alive and conscious is fucking hard and i’m sure we all know that by now. more people need to understand that religion is or at least can be a deeply personal and philosophical journey for a person. if it drives a person to do good and be good, that is objectively good, and we don’t really need to criticize how they got there. some, if not many religious texts have aged supremely poorly, but most religious people choose to follow closely the core tenets of their religions and not much else. organized religion is a whole other can of worms but many find hope and strength in religion, and as long as their beliefs manifest in a positive way for them and/or others, there really is no harm in it imo. some of you mfs need to get off r/atheism because at this point this shit is just corny. word
I will keep this short. Not an argument just observation. Those Capital M Marxists and others in the Left (globally not just the West) who continue to deny the self determination and validity of Islamic Resistance and hold patronizing views about the vanguard forces of anti-imperialist struggle will find themselves increasingly isolated and irrelevant in the multipolar world. Everyone outside of small insulated bubbles recognizes this sectarianism as a colonial mindset.
he’s right, communism cannot be achieved without Islam
Nevermind, thats a pretty good shitpost lol. I fell for the bait. My point still stands though, so I’ll leave it up.
How did the Soviet Union, China, Vietnam, Cuba, and Laos build their socialist projects then?
And if that’s the case, why has Islam not appeared in the writings of Lenin, Marx, Mao, Stalin, Castro and many other massive historical and contemporary Marxist thinkers?
That’s just bizarrely revisionist. When did Islam become a prerequisite for communism?
How can you tell? Genuinely, I don’t mean to be hostile, but I cannot tell at all.
Plural thinking is not easy to do but Hakim is an intelligent person. That people are always looking to police each other over things like this is so tiring. If we can’t stand with Muslims right now when it’s basically 2001 all over again then we leave no choice but for people like Hakim to look at us and realize the truth, “they are who we thought they were.”
He is a Muslim first and a Marxist second.
You’re goddamn right. Islam is racialized. He has no choice, especially when Marxists won’t even give him respectful breathing room.
People are really taking his comment about Islam being a driving force in the Palestinian national liberation struggle to mean the main driving force or even worse, the only driving force are not reading the comment correctly. Every single national liberation struggle has an ideological component which drives the struggle alongside material conditions. Even something like “restoring our once glorious empire,” which various factions of the Chinese national liberation struggle embraced, counts as ideology. The material component of the Palestinian national liberation struggle should be a given and frankly deserves little mention for how obvious it is. The Palestinians are blowing up tanks and merking IOF goons because Palestinians don’t want to be ethnically cleansed. There, that’s your material analysis. It doesn’t need to be longer than a sentence. It’s the ideological motivation that’s far more interesting and that actually warrants paragraphs to outline, which Hakim did. The material motivations are obvious to all, even to people who refuse to accept Marxism, while the ideological motivations aren’t as obvious to an Anglophonic audience that isn’t predominately Muslim.
As for the recommendation of the Quran, well no shit, it turns out the Islamic Resistance Movement uses the Quran as its foundational text, and it would behoove anyone attempting to make a critical analysis of a political group or movement to read that groups’ foundational text. Imagine someone criticizing an ML party or even Marxism-Leninism in general without ever reading State and Revolution or criticizing Marxism without reading any text by Marx a la Jordan Peterson. The gigachad who planted the warhead on the tank did it while reciting a Quranic verse. I would think that it should inspire people to actually read the Quran to understand why he would recite it instead of going, “opium of the masses” like some Reddit atheist. And you can’t just wave around “material conditions” as if that would automatically lead people to perform acts of great courage. Material conditions might provide the clay, but it’s ideology that molds the clay.
At the end of the day, the community note isn’t an all-encompassing analysis. It’s, as Hakim himself stated, merely providing context to the Palestinians’ ideology (political Islam) for people who might not have pick up on it because they aren’t Muslim (his audience).