my lizard brain requires me to follow a specific routine to be able to sleep, so on days when i drink with the intention of getting drunk, i start at 7 PM. This feels like too early to me, so it makes me anxious (fucking brains, how do they work). So, fellow hexbear enthusiasts, when do you start drinking?
7 PM too early???
:side-eye-1: :side-eye-2:
as the obvious sole authority on such matters, the answer is before noon on every day but memorial day, labor day, and a local holiday of choice. that’s too early. after noon, or after 9 am on special days, is fair game.
You should honestly do whatever works best for you but if someone is side-eyeing you for having a drink at 7pm they’re probably mormon.
Day drunk is best drunk. So I’ll say 10am. but fuck imagine a nice caesar at 10am? Maybe like 8am, cause I shouldn’t be up.