I was talking with my parents about the mass medias role in the war in Iraq. It shifted to Vietnam and it ended with me giving my dad my copy of Manufacturing consent(I know Chomsky sucks but this book is good), in return he gave me the aforementioned book. Because “it was based on real history and eye witnesses”. Seeing as the authors parents fled from the communists and the op eds he writes seem kinda libby(One mentioned how it was a tragedy that south Vietnam veterans aren’t on the memorial). I am sceptical. I’m not someone who tries to only experience media that have the same(Or even good), politics. I will read it. But I am(embarrassingly), uneducated on the war in Vietnam(For a leftist), although I probably know slightly more than the average person. So I am wondering if it contains any fake history/revisionism/falsehoods etc, that I should mention to my father when we talk about it next time.

I would also be grateful for any book/video recommendations about the Vietnam war.

2 points

Check out the book Kill Anything That Moves. Talks about the atrocities committed by the US and south vietnamese forces based on declassified information and interviews with veterans and vietnamese citizens.

2 points

I will, thank you.
