Nat already made at least one unbearable video whining about cancel culture, is this all she fucking talks about nowadays?
shit sucks, also there’s the thing with her subreddit being hostile to people who are actually leftists cause its run by a bunch of sweatlord redditeurs.
people really need to be questioning whether these youtubers with star money are representing their class interests. same goes with chapo and everyone else.
I’ve come to really kinda dislike the podcast, they suck and I don’t listen anymore… but tbh I think the hosts end up making like $125k a year. They definitely don’t work very hard and while that is a very good salary for anyone I don’t think that’s like, stupid crazy money. Probably a number of folks here make close to that doing programming stuff. Natalie on the other hand, I think she pulls down seven figures making like 4 videos a year or something. That’s an entirely different ballgame, IMO.
Didn’t you know? Every time a breadtuber is cancelled by bad faith actors on twitter they are contractually obligated to do an at least one hour long video about why twitter is bad.
But seriously that video was 16 months ago, chill.
I know people who still get harrassment from the inclusion of their tweets in that video, who got fucking kiwifarms on them because of that, dont fucking tell me to chill.
You know people who are getting harassed for harassing some minor celebrity on Twitter?
can people just shut the fuck up about cancel culture already?
Hey Natalie did you move Biden left yet you radlib hack
I do support dragging influencers in front of revolutionary tribunals, but I don’t think it’s gonna end the way they think it is.
30 minutes in and this is mostly a shooting the shit episode, with a good amount of Virgil too. Both Brie and Virgil like Natalie a lot.