I’m a bisexual black guy. All of the slurs lol
It sucks that we don’t get to re-roll our character before starting the game.
And as someone who does not believe that free will exists, I think the only thing anyone has ever done wrong is being born to the wrong parents.
Not really something most people are going to call a slur, but asexuality is hugely misunderstood it seems and it doesn’t help to be called things like a “waste of flesh” or “fair game” by people whose minds live chronically in the gutter.
Having grown up where David Duke also lives, ambiguously failing the paper bag test, and coming of age during 9/11, I encountered a wide variety of racial insults. Many of them involved the n-word.
The most memorable one for me happened after the orator learned that I was neither black, Arabic, Hispanic, Italian, nor Asian.
“Oh you’re Hawaiian? I heard you Island N-words don’t even sing the National Anthem.”
The other aggressors as well as my friends burst into laughter at how ridiculously stupid his statement sounded. Even his buddy was like, “Hawaii is a state you fucking idiot.”
The encounter ended and we all moved on but I still laugh when it pops into my head
Woah.I had never heard of this.
“It” and also probably a few anti Asian slurs
I’ve recently been called a man whore for the third time in my life which is shocking, thought men weren’t judged for that lol. Funnily twice by men.
I didn’t know anyone would say that with a straight face. It’s so funny to me to just imagine some grown-up playground-bully type call another grown man a “man whore”.