Inquisition’s riffs go so hard but the guitarist is a pedo and nazi sympathizer :(
Had to do this when Sabaton popped up in some random music playlist on youtube…
“Night Witches” is good, if only for the subject matter. Not the worst power metal I’ve ever heard, but that’s a bar so low that you couldn’t limbo with it.
Oh wow, this singer is cool! I’m going to look up what else he did! Oh. Apparently murder someone because he thought he was gay
Yeah it sucks, unfortunately this is how any community where the personalities of it’s most influential members can be shortened as “contrarianism” is destined to end up. A lot of Metal was just edge for the sake of edge, and this allowed fascists to creep in by hiding behind that sense of contrarianism.
Yes, unlike Metal, Punk’s contrarianism had a political message, one which pushed most fascists away.
I actually prefer Metal to Punk, in fact I listen to more Metal music than any other genre else these days, but I really despise most Metal fans.