now hold on now, he’s also famous for telling Joe Rogan he went into a 3 day apple juice coma
I just don’t understand the cult of personality around a mediocre white guy hopped up on pseudo science who barely understand psychology to begin with. There’s psychologists out there putting in real work and helping people and yet redditors obsess over beef and benzos guy. History will not remember him, in fact they’re going to be pretty critical of him.
Jordan Peterson, the hero who fought an imaginary misgendering ban, the equally imaginary spectre of cultural marxism — and eating your vegetables.
Clean your room, wash your penis, any woman who wants to be anything other than a stay at home mom is unknowingly hurting herself and society, be nice to cats, focus on your own self progress :jordan-eboy-peterson:
wait,did he die or something? usually you see this kind of exultation after they kick the bucket