The blackouts may not have “actually happened”, but SURELY China is on the brink of collapse without Australian coal! :cope:
“We couldn’t corroborate an event that would have even witnessed by hundreds of millions of people had it occurred, mostly because nobody on our staff an read or speak a language used by 1.5 billion people.”
I live in China, it didn’t happen btw
Thesis: China ran out of coal
Antithesis: there were no blackouts
Synthesis: Xi forced Uyghurs to run in hamster wheels to generate enough power for all of China
fake news. the average ethnically uighur person is far too large to fit on a hamster wheel
excuse you sweaty, but in chyna, they achktually have giant hamsters the size of multistory buildings called “kaiju” which means capybara in asian, okay?
they fit all the uighurs into kaiju-hamster-wheels and force them to run for days, sometimes even weeks, until they die of exhaustion! it is genocide
Meanwhile just months ago we irrefutably had massive rolling blackouts in Texas that killed dozens of people. This is pure projection.