Here’s the funny part: the reasoning is that a Marxist standpoint supposedly subdivides people into classes, which is dehumanising.
The “junge Welt” is the only newspaper observed by the “Verfassungsschutz”, Germany’s secret service for internal security (which is notorious for being subverted by Nazis, like actual fucking Nazis, as well as their sympathisers like it’s former boss Hans-Georg Maaßen).
Love to claim a descriptive classification is actually prescriptive and thus dehumanising. German anti-communism is just something else entirely ffs
a Marxist standpoint supposedly subdivides people into classes, which is dehumanising.
Obviously this is bullshit but I get why they’re doing it, they don’t want people gaining class conscious.
a Marxist standpoint supposedly subdivides people into classes, which is dehumanising.
Yep, unlike capitalism where no division of labor exists and everyone’s a winner…wonder where all this humanitarianism was when they “disciplined” Greece
The exact same giga chuds who will tell you that Marxism is a hate crime are also deeply convinced that Greece wasn’t bled dry enough by the neo-colonialist austerity measures Germany hit them with. In fact, some of them were so furious about turning Greece into a debt colony that they started their own chud party right of the CDU.
That was the AfD, who later turned out to be full of fash :surprised-pika:
Here’s some news: The people are divided into classes whether Marx said so or not and it doesn’t take a genius to see that
:GDR: Please come back
In communist China, freedom of the press is nonexistent and the media has to follow the party line