No joke, before the minimum wage hike discourse became a thing under the Biden admin my dad straight up thought the minimum wage was close to $20.
You should have seen the look on his face when I showed him on the internet that it’s $7.25 an hour here in the states. He literally said “people can’t live on that” yeah dad, they can’t, welcome to 2021.
A house? For $100k? I don’t think they cost that much even in Montana.
I’m sure this is meant to show how out of touch they are with the working class, but actually it shows how out of touch they are with the landlord class. Landlords know exactly what property costs, it’s one of their favorite topics.
$55k will get you a run-down 1,000 square foot row house in Helena:
Is there like a laboratory where they just grow these people, cause this is legit petri-dish brain
“Let’s go” to the polls
Are their brains stuck in 1959? Do they just not pay for things on their own and have their assistants do literally everything for them?