Just like you cannot be racist, sexist, ableist, disableist, homophobic, transphobic, classist, capitalist - and leftwing, lol. You get the point.
p.s. this list isn’t exhaustive. Stop being a shitty human.
p.s. 2: Go vegan, carnist scum.
Edit: Please, whoever is spamming, put more effort into your troll posts. None of us stan Peter Singer. Is a piece of shit.
180 comments and 31 upvotes. Someone ITT is very healthy and normal
lif tip: If you put half as much effort into what you ate as how much you’re spamming you could already be vegan.
lol the keeper of the leftwing has logged on :walter:
I explicitly said “most”. When you make the most egregiously immoral choices on a daily basis, you’re a bad person.
Just like if someone consumed CP in a capitalist society, no ethical consumption under capitalism doesn’t absolve them of their immorality.
watchdominion.com. Go vegan and quit being a disgusting person.
there are things that are oppressive because of capitalism. Most of the things you name could be perfectly fine and not oppressive under communism. The murder of sentient beings is never not oppressive, whatever system it happens under. Slavery or sexual assault is fine because there’s no ethical consumption under capitalism, right?
It’s not really possible to live without clothing or hardware, but it’s extremely easy to live without paying someone to murder animals. Those things are not comparable in the least. This is what you sound like btw: :very-intelligent:
Wow! I can’t wait to see the lively discussi–