We are region. Except us. We do not forget anything. We do not get over bad things you did. We will come eventually.
my ex, who self identified herself as the leftiest lefty whoever leftied and would get mad at me for many bizarre infractions (my personal favourite being the time she had a go at me for comparing someone putting up posters of a list of people collecting disability in their area and asking people to report them if they didn’t “look disabled” to Nazi propaganda saying disabled people were taking money from hardworking people, claiming it wasn’t the same at all) frequented kiwi farms and used terms like “chimp out”. She likely still does. She also disliked the NHS and communism, has never read theory and claims I got her addicted to weed. Oh and she pops Neurontin like smarties and goes through 100 a week. But she’s way more left than me. way more.
Uh oh! Watch out, girls! He looks like one bad dude!
We will come eventually.
:volcel-judge: :spray-bottle: