Why do people feel the need to do this? I’m just watching some dumb-as-fuck video about some dumb-as-fuck g*mer drama (for entertainment) and then in the middle of the video the guy mentions that the admins of the g*mer server were censoring everyone (the admins made a pro-trans statement and the playerbase really disliked it) and then he just suddenly starts screaming “AHAHAH THIS IS LITERALLY LIKE CHYNA CHYNA CHYNA UYHGUR TUIBET TIN MAN SQUARE 646464646464646464 XXINNIIE IEI THHE POOOOHOHOOHOHOHOHOHOOHO HOHOHOHAHAHAHAHHAHA IN CHYNA NO FREEZE PEACH LOOOLLPOLLOLOLOL NO FREE DUMBS EK KEK EKE KKE KE K” like wtf???
why are gamers so reactionary? (ps: this is drama about a minecraft server lmao, it’s beyond parody)
ps: tencent lives rent free in their heads
Y’know how Steve Bannon flipped goobergators into voting republican? The state department’s doing the same, but training up a future generation for cold war 2 electric boogaloo against China.
the thing that’s really annoying me about this is how common this shit is.
like it’s gotten to the point where i’m watching a fucking g*ming stream and then in the middle of it the streamer just says “hahaha i’m going to get banned from youtube for this because youtube’s owned by china and i make jokes about the chinese government”
like wtf???
and in every 5th or so video they’re just ranting about how "the stupid ch**ks are going to destroy g*ming as a whole and that to save g*ming beijing has to be nuked or something idfk
I was watching a video about uncommon fairground rides and one of the rides was unique to China and the fucker went on a 5-minute diatribe about China bad. Dude what the fuck?!
Indoctrinated Cold War psychology
Wonder why they flood news aggregators and cable news with scaremongering about China in every way conceivable? To get this.
People have outsourced their thinking into meme form. It’s like a truism at this point. This is why people just flat out assume PRC is doing X thing but start squirming when you press them on specifics.