This study verified moderate coffee consumption, including decaffeination, can provide a new guideline for the prevention of SARS-CoV-2. Based on the results, we also suggest a coffee-drinking plan for people to prevent infection in the post-COVID-19 era.
Aw heck yes, petition to name this the Janeway diet!
Nicotine and amphetamines had the same effect based on studies done during the pandemic, accounting for smoking’s oddly protective effect that was observed initially, counterintuitively.
As someone with ADHD that dips and drinks coffee, none of that stopped me from getting covid repeatedly while working in a hospital.
Still getting COVID is consistent with the results of this study. Coffee helps, but only by 10%.
Based on the previous report analysis [26], drinking one or more cups of coffee per day was related to approximately 10% lower risk of COVID-19 compared to no coffee in the UK Biobank (UKB)
hell yeah coffee and weed have ace2 inhibitors just what i need to hear to keep enjoying them guilt free baby
Is this actually true in the way that is intuitive or is it true in the same sense that if you have a petri dish with cancerous cells in it you can kill them with a handgun
CBD also helps and doesn’t leave a motherfucker with the jitters
Is that true? I don’t do anything but I’d see about this if it kept my lungs from turning into beef jerky