i’ve tried reading on it but they’re all too dense and complicated.
This seems close enough to my understanding of dialectics, but it’s such a vast field of thought that I’m sure we could find differences in our conceptions if we dug deep enough lol (which is, funnily enough, why putting ideas into practice is so important- it offers more concrete opportunities to find differences in lines of thinking). I’ll just tag on to add some readings that I’ve found to be important to my understanding of dialectics:
Marx and Engels’ The German Ideology, specifically the first part on Ludwig Feuerbach. I’d recommend skimming the Wikipedia on Feuerbach before reading, just to get a better sense of what Marx and Engels are responding to. You might also find their Theses on Feuerbach useful as a primer, since it’s pretty much just the outline for this piece. I’d also say that Mao’s On Practice and On Contradiction are a couple of pieces that I find more accessible than Marx and Engels, while simultaneously deepening my understanding of their works.
Inside of you there are two wolves: one is gay, the other is straight - You are bi.