Bakunin: You’re a puppet for (((them)))
Marx: Fuck you, you’re out
Bakunin: WTF, I’m being persecuted by authoritarians
Stalin probably did do had sex with her when she was 14 and while they were in exile in Siberia but sadly that was basicaly around the early mariage age in for peasants in pre 1917 Tsarist Russian empire and the relationships were very often with an age difference. Fucked up society wise but in an of itself its hardly a Stalin doing QAnon since everything i read but that Siberian Times tabloid who based their content on a post fall academic that had his phd on “victims of communism” stuff implies that they had a consentual relationship that would probably have led to a wedding in other circumstances like ,sadly, millions of adults with teen girls had in Russia at that time.
Declassified documents from the Krushcev era KGB investigations that were trying to dig as much dirt on Stalin as possible for the destalinization pretty much summed up to “they were in a relationship and Stalin moved in with her in a shitty ass cabin in the middle of the siberian woods and was planning on marrying her before shit exploded revolution wise”. And her personal diaries and memoirs she had written and were found pretty much had nothing but “I was young , he was older pretty and funny and cool revolutionary (but also shitty at times) ,i helped him in exile, we lived togther for a while, he left due for Bolshevik stuff, we never got back together, the state gave me house and money , we met a couple of times again but he was distant etc” .
The “he raped a 14 year old then left her to die” narrative is very different than “backwards and bad societal and cultural peasant teen-adult relationship conventions of Tsarist Russia in the same vain of tens of millions of such instances”.
I mean you could make the same meme with Soviets and gays so maybe don’t be so quick to throw this stone
Marx Jew thing was a response to an avid antisemite and Marx was mostly shitposting by using his language and “lets say you’re right” and dunking on him even from that starting point. In context its obvious. Also even if he was an antisemite the thing with Proudon is that his antisemitism was involved and a reason behind his analysis of the state and the “system”. He interconnected his antisemitic remarks with his anarchist analysis everytime they were brought up. So there is no comparison really
No Soviet society following the revolution in 1917 could have been anything but anti-lgbt, at least for decades. Anarchist/Neoliberal/Demsoc whatever, they would have been anti-gay . The by accident decriminalization under Lenin was still a fluke compared to what 99% of the population would have voted or supported on the subject and even thatwouldnt have happened at all under most approaches. But there were indeed many many leftist thinkers in Proudons insanely less or non antisemitic. Both things suck but on the Soviet side i doupt anyone wouldnt reproduce the same results in their place in the anti-gay thing, well had the Kornstadt sailors or Makhno magicaly get to run the USSR in the 20s nothing would change on the subject. But for Proudhon’s beliefs hundreds in comparable positions did better. Tho its different since one is personal beliefs and the other is arising from societal and cultural circumstances
honestly fuck off. this post is sectarian no matter how you wanna hand wave it away.
I mean yeah this post is secretarian and it shouldnt be made and i think it should be deleted by the mods but since it the secretarian back and forth started i just disagreed that that soviet anti-gay point was a fitting analogy, also this post will get deleted anyway ( i hope) so we wont have long as threads
At least Proudhon gave future generations permission/encouragement to shit on his reactionary beliefs.
This is sectarian lol