Like Jamaica is just a puppet state that the US operate on behalf of its bourgeois vacationers, right?
Jamaica is a constitutional monarchy under the British crown. It would be a gross oversimplification to call all of these nations puppet states to the US, ignoring a lot of their own colonial and post-colonial history. Much like mainland Latin America, there are influences from England, Spain, France to varying degrees in the region.
Of course, the US views the Caribbean as its “backyard,” and has intervened a ton throughout the 20th century, like the invasion of Grenada in the 80s.
Not Cuba.
Doesn’t really count as Cuba and tourists are definitely not going there. That being said, could you imagine your job being a Gitmo McDonald’s employee? Are they striking for a $15 minimum wage?
American tourists aren’t going to Cuba, but they’re not an uncommon vacation spot for the rest of the planet.
I did say tourist destinations. Cuba might be a great place to take a trip but it isn’t a resort country
Cuba is a super popular tourist destination with tons of resorts. Cuba still has a huge tourism industry. I know a shit load of people who went there and stayed at resorts.
Yeah I think it always had some tourism after the rev, but they really allowed it to increase after the fall of the USSR.
Used to be, before the Revolution. Castro brought it to a screeching halt, closed the casinos, freed the prostitutes and spread the wealth.
the dutch still own some islands, some are british/commonwealth, and some french
dont let the euros off so easily
Sort of. There’s also lots of “maquilladora” style low-tech manufacturing. They also serve as dumps for our agricultural surpluses under the guise of “aid.”
also US ‘policing’ and control is far more about maintaining the system & blockading Cuba than making sure USians have a place to boat their yacht… tourism is pretty low on their priorities list tbh, they’ve made more places less hospitable to tourism than more hospitable in recent decades