Sounds pretty based to me.
I usually hate the dumb bullshit about “violence fetish” aimed at communists but some of the shit said on this site is literally just fetishising brutality and violence as long as there is the slightest excuse of being anti-state or “revolutionary”.
put me in the compilation
You probably would like this org called “Sendero Luminoso”, it’s like mexicans cartels but way way better.
If you don’t like Sendero Luminoso you’re exactly the machine RATM rages against.
I didn’t need to know that. Like, of all the communist groups and guerrillas, they really have to choose the one that massacred civilians?
It’s clearly a joke, but when you have friends who told you of the time 30 corpses were thrown in the town main square as a “peaceful message” to the people to not interfere, it’s not funny.
Anyways, we all joke about critical support to really shitty people all the time, and nobody take it seriously.
Critical support