Shoot my dogs (bourgeoise decadence) while theyre at it, ATF tag-team time
There is something eating my fucking brainstem from the inside out and smoothing the few rwmaining wrinkles in my brain. I should go for a booze cruise
I always think your avatar is a big honking pair of Pizza Steve tits
That’s not related to the FBI thing but maybe to the part about the melting brain
SelfHatingMoid posts are like BMF posts except instead of hating anarchists or PMC Karens, he hates himself
post harder
Every few months they flip a coin. If it’s heads they bring you in and get some journalist to shit out an “article” about how the FBI prevented a terrorist attack, so their budget should be increased. If it’s tails they let it ride and hope you do a terrorism so some journalist can shit out an “article” about how the FBI needs more money to prevent these things, so their budget should be increased.
No keep at it