Holy shit breadtube went in the shitter. People there cant even fucking have discussion without calling each other morons. Vaush and his ilk are fucking awful.
Vaush is a complete cancer. How the hell is he so popular? He’s not even likeable.
He always seemed like a weird grifter to me. Like he wasnt going to be anybody that just regurgitated stale takes, but I guess some people like him because he does debates/the marketplace of ideas well. But I’m not a fucking debate nerd that thinks bullshit like that matters.
if you ever wondered why US foreign policy makers always scream about Human rights and democracy when trying to disrupt/destabilize/invade a country, while at the same time bending over backwards for such regimes as Saudi Arabia, just observe how easily manipulated the usual radlibs and even some so called libertarian socialists/anarchists are to supporting US imperialist adventures.
In a few days, popular “progressive and independent” DemocracyNow! will have as a guest, either a liberal Belarusian politician or a literal US State Department asset to give their “expert” opinion of the situation.
Fucking Liberals…
these are the people who call you a red fascist for supporting the global south’s right to sovereignty