good god video games are shit
Have they teamed up with Intel to implement the N-word slider in their newest releases?
Ubisoft sucks and they do sex crimes there. AAA bideogames as a whole seem shittier and shittier, like there are fewer and fewer titles to look forward to, probably because the game industry has made it a common practice to wring the life from their best devs and QA folks to the point that they burn out and either fuck off to the indie scene, or leave the game industry entirely.
Basically at this point if a game isn’t indie or, like, from Capcom, I don’t give a fuuuuuck.
I got bad vibes from how they were so proud of themselves for respectfully researching and portraying a Nakoda woman and then turned around to having her be an “operator” in an imperialist murder sim.
Far Cry finally went mask-off, FC6 is straight-up about overthrowing communism. They brought Giancarlo Esposito on to explain how he based his performance for the evil communist dictator on Fidel Castro and Adolph Hitler. :agony-consuming: