Fake gamers cheat, real gamers abuse save states :think-about-it:
Save Scumming IRL would be the coolest fucking superpower. Imagine if anything that would kill you simply just drops a copy of your corpse on the ground and allows you to continue. You could be invincible while simultaneously solving world hunger with the very large pile of your corpses.
You mean like Groundhog Day, or that remake of Groundhog Day with robots?
All those scenes in the remake were kinda messed up: If a dude walks up to you and says “Hey when I die, time resets, we’ve actually done this 26,764 times”, how many people are prepared to go throughout their day ready to instantly shoot the guy at the slightest inconvenience?
What Vishy said in reply:
“Yesterday was a celebrity simul for people to raise money It was a fun experience upholding the ethics of the game.I just played the position on the board and expected the same from everyone .”
His wife:
Aruna Anand, wife and manager of Vishy Anand on the Nikhil Kamath incident: "Well, Nikhil contacted Anand today and explained this tweet. Anand replied to say that he can’t deny the algorithm and personally wouldn’t comment on the issue…
… He requested Mr. Kamath not to involve Anand’s name in his Tweets or in his course of action. That he went ahead and did it and allege something is disrespectful."
How do you cheat at chess?
Had a computer feed him moves.
I have not gone through the whole game yet. But seen some highlights from :reddit-logo: . It’s pretty obvious… if beating one of the greatest players to ever live after blundering your kings side pawn turn 1 was not suspicious enough.
If computers are so damn good at playing chess what’s the point of this shit anymore? Kinda seems like the main skill needed for chess playing is memory and ability to think ahead but computers already beat us in both of those fields.
The love of the game? Computers hella beat us in reaction times and accuracy also but people still play first person shooters and fighting games competitively despite bots being a thing.
If you watch chess at the highest levels you will be seeing 2 players playing off memory and preparation to a certain point of the game.
Obviously there is a limit to how much even the brightest players can remember. So they game will break away from the prep at some point.
The other part of this is computers do not think like people. So when you leave your prep the computer still assumes you remember some random pawn push or blocking your own rook in 3 moves.
There are absurd computer moves we have a real hard time seeing as humans. Even the greatest players.
Bobby Fischer famously had a problem with the memorization on openings and created his own chess variant to counter it.
Even if it was live, Vishy was playing multiple people at once for charity with long time constraints. He would be free to do whatever he wanted during Vishy’s moves.
I mean … what kind of loser would cheat a living legend and icon from your country in a fucking charity event. Could you imagine.
Vishy opened with queen side horse, dickhead moves pawn e5… Instantly losing the game vs some even remotely close to vishy’s levels…. Goes on to a checkmate win.
What a hero.