“From the point of view of the department (and thus the government), jW is unconstitutional because it assumes the existence of classes. Seehofer, visibly surprised by the answer from his ministry, burst out laughing: “Then I would also be an enemy of the constitution!” He does not use the term class society, but “the division in our society” is “completely undisputed.” Haldenwang bailed him out, saying that JW advocated the “establishment of a socialist, communist society”, that was “essentially the reason for the classification.” When asked why the distribution of newspapers was considered an »actionist form«, Seehofer dismissed it: »So that we don’t get tangled up«, the »overall context« must be considered.”
The german Office for the Protection of the Constitution released its report for 2020. The article points out how right wing extremism, even though it is supposedly the greatest threat according to Seehofer, is downplayed in multiple instances in the presentation of the report, while relatively few cases of left wing extremism and environmental extremism are critiqued in great detail, including publishing of names of suspected activists and condemning acts of violence against neo nazis.