What would they do?
First of all right off the bat all white christian males would undergo forced feminization via industrial strength soy injections.
You’d have to be fucking nuts to want the US, I’d try and get rid of that shit as soon as possible (or never “take” it in the first place). Once the US is stripped of its hegemonic control of money markets, I think it has very little to offer the world, at least in the near-term
Plus you’ve got chuds absolutely frothing at the mouth to do genocide, huge inequalities and aggrieved groups with the divide having developed over a few centuries.
An absolute powder keg waiting to explode, especially if there were to be a huge, sudden shift in the way things are. We’re slowly boiling over, but I can’t even imagine what an exogenous sudden rupture would cause
It just doesn’t feel feel prudent to get involved in that, so I’m very skeptical China would want to
very little to offer the world, at least in the near-term
Natural resources, and a ton of brain-drain. Regardless of someone’s political leanings, if the US collapses, the idea of having more highly trained medical professionals, engineers, etc is pretty tempting.
see: operation paperclip
the land is pretty okay when it comes to producing food
but for how much longer?
The death of an empire will not be pretty. When the Nazis fell, they took tens of millions with them. I fear to know how many the Americans will take with them when they in turn fall.
It is most probable that fascist paramilitaries and death squads will roam the countryside murdering anyone who they consider undesirables. Famine will grip the country as supply lines collapse due to the bombed out infrastructure. There will be a second Holocaust, committed not by a foreign power, but by Americans murdering other Americans. Tens of millions (in America alone) will die in the ensuing chaos, many from starvation, others from the paramilitaries.
America is simply too big for China to control. Too vast, too populous for any hope of a successful and bloodless occupation. There are 332,000,000 Americans. America is 9,100,000km2 in area. To occupy something that large would be madness, it would require China to commit tens of millions of troops for the sole purpose of a pointless occupation over a vast land of roaming insurgents. China will not commit tens of millions of Chinese to sacrifice their lives in a pointless excursion to hell-on-earth. It would be political suicide to even suggest so. China can really only watch in horror as everything unfolds.
It is incredibly unfortunate and I so wish it were otherwise, but the bigger they are, the harder they fall. And the American empire is the largest empire in all of history.
I fear to know how many the Americans will take with them when they in turn fall.
I need to leave this continent
I’ve thought about it. A lot. But I’m an almost thirty year old, American, trans woman. I would forever be an outsider, a stranger in a land with an incredibly different culture, philosophical tradition, and even language than what I’m accustomed to.
I suppose Cuba would be the least foreign of the socialist nations for me to move to. As unlikely as that is, I wonder how difficult it would be?
America is much more likely to fizzle out as a world power than collapse, Much more britain in the 40’s than Iraq a decade or so ago
Yeah I agree, I didn’t actually expect anyone to give a serious answer though so you now have to give a joke answer too. Sorry thats the rule
China doesn’t ever really do regime change. now sure we’ve only seen them as a super power flexing influence very recently, but it’s just not their MO. China is more than happy to work with whomever, and but heads with whomever, regardless of ideology. in fact African leaders have often cited that the fact China doesn’t get involved in internal politics with it’s development is why they like China over western powers
[REDACTED] …critical race theory… [DATA EXPUNGED] …forced bimbofication… [CLASSIFIED] …8th trimester abortions for all those who want them…