The Chad Kyle vs. The Virgin Vaush
My gateway 💜 He’s also anti-imperialist, for legalisation, and maybe controversially on here for free speech in the sense that he thinks we should make social media ‘public utilities’ and have them abide by the same laws as irl public squares, thoughts on that?
I’m still amazed that free speech is controversial amongst leftist. I’ll freely admit that I got fooled by the libs and their “Russia stole our elections”, and one of my greatest regrets posting wise is cheering for censorship and getting called out on it by one of my former friends that leans right. It wasn’t until I discovered kyle kulinski’s and jimmy dore’s shows and watched their videos pointing out how this censorship was used to purge leftist news sites and social media groups, that I realised my mistake.
Seeing the same cancer on this site has me worried :(
Yes this community especially should be well aware of how social media companies like Reddit will silence both left-wing and right-wing views. Being for free speech also doesn’t mean you think there shouldn’t be any laws against hate speech or threats for example. I’m mostly concerned with corporations deciding what’s acceptable speech and the right to protest
So if there were more restrictions on free speech you would prefer publically owned and regulated social media over the status quo?
Haven’t watched Vaush, but did use to like Kyle.
He’s been a huge disappointment lately though. I suspect he’s afraid to critique Dems (and the so called progressives) since none of them have done anything about the current situation and voted for every horrible republican idea. I think he’s afraid of alienating his audience. He’s going back to the old stables of doing videos about republican politicians pushing ghoulish policy, which is fine I guess, but this doesn’t really interest me. I think we all know by now that republicans are ghouls, the fight needs to be either about getting people invested in a 3rd party (reforming the dems is laughable at this point), or showing people how they can organize outside the electoral system.
But no, Kyle needs that steady income, so back to pointing fingers at republicans like every other DNC affiliated outlet.
Posting about Vaush is haram.
feels good to not care about YouTumors
it is incredibly depressing that kyles audience is only 4 times larger.
Caleb is right, theres something weird going on with who gets promoted.