Vehicles should be banned from driving on beaches. Change my mind.
Reads like a child supervision issue to me; why are you mixing seperate issues?
You could argue that, if you replaced soft sand with carpark or paddock, the kid would likely be dead.
Not really. Driver arguably deserves more blame than the victim. Normal people don’t expect to be run over on a beach, its generally considered a vehicle free zone.
You could argue that, if you replaced soft sand with carpark or paddock, the kid would likely be dead.
Except one expects cars in a carpark. /s
The article is very lacking in details, but I will say I’m not taking blame away from the driver, it’s not even clear if the driver was family.
I’m responding to the fact OP decided to add an opinion to the article, I don’t agree cars on beaches is the issue here, especially on an island that’s world famous for driving on the beach.