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Sorry man, can’t do it. Won’t try to argue with you but as a fellow self-hating dirtbag, we need you to hang in there with us. Contradictions are going to reach a breaking point soon, I feel it. Don’t you want to see it play out? That’s what keeps me going, that and the fact I know I can help people if things get really bad.
All I’m saying is stick around to watch the fireworks at least, you know? We’re already in the cool zone and from here on out we’re heading into the great unknown. We have the opportunity to witness the collapse of the most powerful empire in human history. That’s got to count for something right?
Please don’t think it’s not worth it. Even if you do nothing from now until your eighties, you’re better than the chud types who victimize people.
Doing nothing else, you’ve made my life better by enriching this community.
I’m going through similar thoughts and feelings more often than I’d like to these days, but one thing that keeps me going is knowing that if we get to see meaningful change in our lifetime, I want to be part of it.
Believe me, I looked really hard into this stuff at one point. Even the “foolproof” methods like shooting yourself in the head only succeed like 98% of the time, which means 2% just give you major brain damage (e.g. someone hears the gunshot, calls an ambulance, and the doctors keep you in a coma, at which point you will be unable to finish the job)
HoPo, love and support. I deal with suicidal ideation often and the only solace I’ve taken is there are three things I want in life. I know one of them will happen if I stick around, there’s a strong chance the second will, and the third who knows. On the worst days I remind myself that I owe it to my younger self. She pushed through so much shit to get me here now.
I hope you can find one or two things that, even in the next few years, will convince you to stick around 💜