Day 4: Scratchcards
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I’m using this years’ AoC to learn (Dyalog) APL, so this is probably terrible code. I’m happy to receive pointers for improvement, particularly if there is a way to write the same logic with tacit functions or inner/outer products that I missed.
num_matches←'Card [ \d]+: ([ 0-9]+) \| ([ 0-9]+)'⎕S{≢↑∩/0~⍨¨{,⎕CSV⍠'Separator' ' '⊢⍵'S'3}¨⍵.(1↓Lengths↑¨Offsets↓¨⊂Block)} input
⎕←+/2*1-⍨0~⍨num_matches ⍝ part 1
⎕←+/{⍺←0 ⋄ ⍺=≢⍵:⍵ ⋄ (⍺+1)∇⍵ + (≢⍵)↑∊((⍺+1)⍴0)(num_matches[⍺]⍴⍵[⍺])((≢⍵)⍴0)}(≢num_matches)⍴1 ⍝ part 2
late because I had to skip two days of aoc. Fairly easy
input ="input.txt").lines
sum = 0
winnings = {[1, 0]}
input.each_with_index do |line, i|
card, values = line.split(":")
nums = values.split("|").map(&
points = 0
nums[1].each do |num|
if nums[0].includes?(num)
points = points == 0 ? 1 : points * 2
winnings[i][1] += 1
end end
sum += points
puts sum
winnings.each_with_index do |card, i|
next if card[1] == 0
(1..card[1]).each do |n|
winnings[i+n][0] += card[0]
end end
puts winnings.sum(&.[0])
Late as always (actually a day late by UK time).
My solution to this one runs slow, but it gets the job done. I didn’t actually need the CardInfo struct by the time I was done, but couldn’t be bothered to remove it. Previously, it held more than just count.
Day 04 in Rust 🦀
use std::{
env, fs,
io::{self, BufRead, BufReader, Read},
fn main() -> io::Result<()> {
let args: Vec = env::args().collect();
let filename = &args[1];
let file1 = fs::File::open(filename)?;
let file2 = fs::File::open(filename)?;
let reader1 = BufReader::new(file1);
let reader2 = BufReader::new(file2);
println!("Part one: {}", process_part_one(reader1));
println!("Part two: {}", process_part_two(reader2));
fn process_part_one(reader: BufReader) -> u32 {
let mut sum = 0;
for line in reader.lines().flatten() {
let card_data: Vec<_> = line.split(": ").collect();
let all_numbers = card_data[1];
let number_parts: Vec> = all_numbers
.map(|x| {
x.replace(" ", " ")
.map(|val| val.to_string())
let (winning_nums, owned_nums) = (&number_parts[0], &number_parts[1]);
let matches = owned_nums
.filter(|num| winning_nums.contains(num))
if matches > 0 {
sum += 2_u32.pow((matches - 1) as u32);
struct CardInfo {
count: u32,
fn process_part_two(reader: BufReader) -> u32 {
let mut cards: BTreeMap = BTreeMap::new();
for line in reader.lines().flatten() {
let card_data: Vec<_> = line.split(": ").collect();
let card_id: u32 = card_data[0]
.replace("Card", "")
.expect("is digit");
let all_numbers = card_data[1];
let number_parts: Vec> = all_numbers
.map(|x| {
x.replace(" ", " ")
.map(|val| val.to_string())
let (winning_nums, owned_nums) = (&number_parts[0], &number_parts[1]);
let matches = owned_nums
.filter(|num| winning_nums.contains(num))
let card_details = CardInfo { count: 1 };
if let Some(old_card_info) = cards.insert(card_id, card_details) {
let card_entry = cards.get_mut(&card_id);
card_entry.expect("card exists").count += old_card_info.count;
let current_card = cards.get(&card_id).expect("card exists");
if matches > 0 {
for _ in 0..current_card.count {
for i in (card_id + 1)..=(matches as u32) + card_id {
let new_card_info = CardInfo { count: 1 };
if let Some(old_card_info) = cards.insert(i, new_card_info) {
let card_entry = cards.get_mut(&i).expect("card exists");
card_entry.count += old_card_info.count;
let sum = cards.iter().fold(0, |acc, c| acc + c.1.count);
mod tests {
use super::*;
const INPUT: &str = "Card 1: 41 48 83 86 17 | 83 86 6 31 17 9 48 53
Card 2: 13 32 20 16 61 | 61 30 68 82 17 32 24 19
Card 3: 1 21 53 59 44 | 69 82 63 72 16 21 14 1
Card 4: 41 92 73 84 69 | 59 84 76 51 58 5 54 83
Card 5: 87 83 26 28 32 | 88 30 70 12 93 22 82 36
Card 6: 31 18 13 56 72 | 74 77 10 23 35 67 36 11";
fn test_process_part_one() {
let input_bytes = INPUT.as_bytes();
assert_eq!(13, process_part_one(BufReader::new(input_bytes)));
fn test_process_part_two() {
let input_bytes = INPUT.as_bytes();
assert_eq!(30, process_part_two(BufReader::new(input_bytes)));
[Language: Lean4]
I’ll only post the actual parsing and solution. I have written some helpers which are in other files, as is the main function. For the full code, please see my github repo.
I’m pretty sure that implementing part 2 in a naive way would cause Lean to demand a proof of termination, what might not be that easy to supply in this case… Luckily there’s a way more elegant and way faster solution than the naive one, that can use structural recursion and therefore doesn’t need an extra proof of termination.
structure Card where
id : Nat
winningNumbers : List Nat
haveNumbers : List Nat
deriving Repr
private def Card.matches (c : Card) : Nat :=
flip c.haveNumbers.foldl 0 λo n ↦
if c.winningNumbers.contains n then o + 1 else o
private def Card.score : Card → Nat :=
(· / 2) ∘ (2^·) ∘ Card.matches
abbrev Deck := List Card
private def Deck.score : Deck → Nat :=
List.foldl (· + ·.score) 0
def parse (input : String) : Option Deck := do
let mut cards : Deck := []
for line in input.splitOn "\n" do
if line.isEmpty then
let cs := line.splitOn ":"
if p : cs.length = 2 then
let f := String.trim $ cs[0]'(by simp[p])
let g := String.trim $ cs[1]'(by simp[p])
if not $ f.startsWith "Card " then
let f := f.drop 5 |> String.trim
let f ← f.toNat?
let g := g.splitOn "|"
if q : g.length = 2 then
let winners := String.trim $ g[0]'(by simp[q])
let draws := String.trim $ g[1]'(by simp[q])
let toNumbers := λ(s : String) ↦
s.split (·.isWhitespace)
|> List.filter (not ∘ String.isEmpty)
|> List.mapM String.toNat?
let winners ← toNumbers winners
let draws ← toNumbers draws
cards := {id := f, winningNumbers := winners, haveNumbers := draws : Card} :: cards
return cards -- cards is **reversed**, that's intentional. It doesn't affect part 1, but makes part 2 easier.
def part1 : Deck → Nat := Deck.score
def part2 (input : Deck) : Nat :=
-- Okay, doing this brute-force is dumb.
-- Instead let's compute how many cards each original card is worth, and sum that up.
-- This relies on parse outputting the cards in **reverse** order.
let multipliers := Card.matches
let sumNextN : Nat → List Nat → Nat := λn l ↦ (l.take n).foldl (· + ·) 0
let rec helper : List Nat → List Nat → List Nat := λ input output ↦ match input with
| [] => output
| a :: as => helper as $ (1 + (sumNextN a output)) :: output
let worths := helper multipliers []
worths.foldl (· + ·) 0
Today was the easiest day so far IMHO. Today, I coded in PHP, a horrible language that produces even worse code. (Ok, full confession, I fed my family for about half a decade on PHP. I seemed to have gotten stuck with it, and so I earned a PhD to escape it.)
Anyway, the only trouble I had was I forgot about the explode function’s capacity to return empty strings. Once I filtered those I had the correct answer on the first one, and then 10 minutes later I had the second part. I wrote my code true to raw php’s awful idioms, though I didn’t make it web based. I read from stdin.
My code is linked on github: