Spoiler alert I’m a fan of vaush’s content, I find him much more educated than the chapo boys and affiliates. I do have criticisms of vaush I’m not a fangirl, him telling us to vote for biden was kinda cringe ngl. But vaush is vehemently anti class reductionist, he doesn’t throw out race and gender into the trash like the chapo boys do, he actually respects his fan base more than the chapo boys respects yours. I mean you guys had to change the name of this site because they don’t like their fans at all and now hexbear seems to be it’s own thing, which great. I love the pronoun tags but I feel like the chapo podcast and affiliates mock you guys a lot. No respect what so ever. Anyways why do you not like vaush or am I mistaken?
I love how I don’t even need to reply because this numbskull is already banned and every possible thing I could have brought up has been done by you glorious people.
Also, fucking gem of the week, when they said calling someone a “sex pest” was “kinkshaming” holy fuck my sides. I’m going to split open like when you drop your work thermos on top of the banana you tossed into your lunch. Yo dumbfuck, if you’re still reading this thread despite being banned: You can’t be a consensual “sex pest” its not a kink its a word people invented to describe people nobody should like. Props to you for volunteering Vaush for that category!
Type vaush in the replies and I think it will give you a “fun vaush fact”