The Price of Liberty: African Americans and the Making of Liberia
…But for many individuals, dreams of a Pan-African utopia in Liberia were tempered by complicated relationships with the Africans, whom they dispossessed of land. Liberia soon became a politically unstable mix of newcomers, indigenous peoples, and “recaptured” Africans from westbound slave ships. Ultimately, Clegg argues, in the process of forging the world’s second black-ruled republic, the emigrants constructed a settler society marred by many of the same exclusionary, oppressive characteristics common to modern colonial regimes.
broke: read Settlers
woke: read Settlers but replace America with Africa and replace “white” with “black”, and replace “black” with “indigenous black”
Reminds me of Hispanic-Americans moving to Latin America for whatever reason and talking down to the locals.
What does this have to do with Settlers?
I mean yeah Africa is not a country. For instance there is more genetic diversity in Africa than the rest of the world combined. There are so many different ethnic and cultural groups, each with their own motivations, traditions, languages and practices, just like any other part of the world. Your average American, regardless of race, would have to learn new languages and new cultural practices to actually live in most African countries.
Edgy post, but wild and depressing facts