guise we don’t want to break dubya’s heart now do we
I’d death note Bush no hesitation
I rewatched Death Note recently and that was all I was thinking the whole time.
In hindsight, it really is astounding the way that the show completely avoided talking about power structures of any kind. Light’s just like “I’m gonna restructure society by killing a bunch of criminals and also the cops who are specifically looking for me” and it actually kind of works
Ugh. I couldn’t stomach that show after they
killed off L. If you’re going to introduce a Mary Sue protagonist, the antagonist needs to be at least as cool and for different reasons.
Even after that, “what if we gave a sociopath the power to kill with impunity?” and the best he can come up with is cop shit? Death Note is the quintessential “what dumb guys think smart guys are thinking”.
In addition to the lack of structural changes, I thought the power of the Death Note as a concept was heavily underused. Even if Light wanted to avoid killing people he viewed as innocent, I’m sure he could’ve targeted some obviously corrupt politicians. Then use the conditions of the Death Note to get them to implicate others, knowing full-well they were telling the truth. You keep working your way up and you root out the corruption from the ground up.
Or you do things like having the Death Note go after Kissinger with wild dogs. As a treat.
Kill Bush, already committed to that one. I’m quite confident that if I fucked Dick Cheney it would be to the death so let’s go with him for that one. I guess I’d marry Rumsfeld because he’s already dead so hopefully that means I can get that sweet, sweet widower payout without having to do any of the dirty work
“I’m afraid Afghan women and girls are going to suffer unspeakable harm,”
Sort of like the two decades of harm we forced onto the country?
So sick and tired of the “Savage Foreigners” trope being played up on an endless loop for my entire life.
We literally carpet bombed villages. We flash-fried school children and gunned down the elderly with impunity for twenty fucking years. We handed orphans over to local warlords as playthings, reinvigorated the flagging opium industry, and profited off of every deplorable practice we could get our dirty hands into.
Now we’ve finally lost our last fingerhold, after burning bridges with the Russians, the Pakistanis, the Chinese, and even the nominally loyal Afghans themselves. And its time to shed big crocodile tears about how bad it’ll be when we leave.
Fucking ghouls.
I’m sad
good bitch