bitches be like “astrology isn’t real” and then post this shit
It’s astrology for dudes who think they’re too rational and smart for astrology
no that’s multi level marketting for dudes with no social network to prey on financially
wow i love the corporate use of bullshit personality tests to be able to say no to giving someone a job because they have “undesirable characteristics”
i love it so much i would like to stomp it to death
Seriously, I need to give Bullshit Jobs a read. None of this shit would ever come into fruition if employers all weren’t such picky assholes that demanded exclusively perfect squirrels for even a cashier position.
No one would need to invent 20,000 different ways to the so-called unemployables ‘no’ when they need a job.
Want to point out this isn’t even Jung’s fault, it’s some crank woman who fucked up his already shit theory.
Erm I’ll have you know Owl that I’m INTP
I Need Toilet Paper (i shitted myself)
Astrology for comms majors