DemSocs are great, but AOC is proving she’s a western SocDem.
edit: death to the west :amerikkka:
Easy test for socdems is always anti imperialism.
Also, don’t trust politicians in general ffs
I don’t expect a lot from politicians, but holy fuck this is an especially bad take. Most of the time I’m just like “oh cool AOC / Bernie / etc did a non-shit thing. What a nice surprise.”
Anti-imperialism really is a great test. Is Ilhan Omar the only anti-imperialist congressperson in the US right now?
I saw a tweet calling her “gusanx”
Thought that was pretty funny
Love to both sides a genocidal embargo and a shitty attempt at a color revolution.
:AyyyyyOC: :haram:
Christ, isn’t she Puerto Rican? Shouldn’t she know how this shit works?
Ugh. Where’s Ilhan Omar on this? Please tell me she’s not falling for this bullshit.
I’m Puerto Rican. Most here are even worse than mainland Americans, because literally from the moment we’re born we’re taught that Cuba is the problem child of the Caribbean where people are poor and they’re all starving etc. etc. Honestly I’m sure a lot of Puerto Ricans would see this statement and think she’s being far too soft on Cuba.
Someone said Illhan liked some tweet saying Jeff Bezos should help the Cubans.
So you compare a country to what it came from, with all its imperfections… and those who demand instant perfection, the day after the revolution they get up and say “are there civil liberties for the fascists?? Do they get to have their newspapers and their radio programmes? Are they gonna be able to keep all their farms?”
The PASSION that some of our liberals feel the day after the revolution - the passion and concern they feel for the fascists, the civil rights and civil liberties of those fascists - who were dumping and destroying and murdering people before.
My criteria is - what happens to those people that couldn’t read? What happens to those babies that couldn’t eat, that died of hunger? See that’s why I support revolution. The REVOLUTION that feeds the children gets my support.
- Parenti
I don’t, saw it posted in the r/genzedong thread I made for the meme.
edit: found it. it’s from part of a speech he gave on Cuba