How many people wanted restaruants to open up so they could be assholes to staff? Seems like a lot.
I’ve worked on and off in the restaurant world for years. I deeply hate it, and feel like it’s gotten worse over the last ten years now that “chefs are the new rock stars” (gross) and everyone is a foodie or mixologist or whatever. Abuse of all sorts is seen as part of the job (typical chef move in my experience is to get yelled at all shift and then at the end told “good job” like yr my abusive boyfriend or something) and if you move up you are expected to abuse those beneath you. People (not me, fuck that shit) work 50-70 hr weeks and glorify that dumb ass grind mentality.
I keep hearing restaurant owners and chefs in my town crying about how no one wants to work anymore. Fuuuck them
As former restaurant staff, I enjoy Kitchen Nightmares because almost without fail at some point Gordon will scream at the restaurant owner for either disrespecting or not listening to their restaurant staff (or both) and these small business tyrants who have never had to speak respectfully to anyone have to just sit there and take it.
I love how the majority of the businesses on kitchen nightmares close after the appearance on the show lmao
The waitstaff that throw the management under the bus are the true heroes of that show.
Gordon usually yells at the right people for the right reasons on kitchen nightmare.