just getting real hype watching brazil win some medals, are you guys watching any olympics stuff?
I’d like to but I can’t stand NBC coverage. 90% of the events they cover will be won by an American. When they do show a non-American it’s usually when they fuck up. I was in :aus-delenda-est: for the 2014 games and watched it on ABC. Much more enjoyable.
that is a shame brazilian coverage is generally every single sport is on somewhere on some channel i was watching judo with my dad like 2 days ago like 1 am
I think in theory this is true for NBC, but a lot of it is behind either a steep paywall for the relevant cable package or you have to pay for their fucking streaming service.
It sucks. I used to use a VPN to watch the BBC’s coverage but I think they’ve locked that down a bit more and it was such a hassle.
fair, that is also the case here there is a lot of programs that are just cable exclusive but brazillian piracy culture makes it really easy to find someone streaming those channels online and stuff it is kinda of a bummer like i feel like the olympics are really fun and everyone should be able to watch it for free
skateboarding was so damn fun to watch
I’m rooting both for Brazil to win and for USA to lose. Skateboarding was fun yesterday
Did you win any gold?