Imagine using the headline Biden starting to slip and not meaning his dementia laced gaffes.
God I hope he fucking loses in 2024 and the democrats become entirely irrelevant
He’ll lose bigly in 2022. Then the Republican House will appoint Donald Trump as the Speaker of the House because it turns out you don’t actually have to be elected to the House to be appointed Speaker of the House, and then they (Republicans) will proceed with impeachment of Biden and whoever his VP is so Trump can become President.
I’m being 100% serious, this is their plan, and it has more than a 0% chance of success.
Truly, the greatest form of government.
It is unlikely they’ll get the 67 votes they need in the $enate, but is USDA prime red meat for their base.
If they make Trump speaker of the house, is he just gonna say “WRONG” continuously into the microphone whenever a democrat is speaking? Putting the accelerating and terminal decline into fascism to one side for a moment, that would be objectively better and more entertaining than anything Pelosi has done in her entire career
⏩ a c c e l e r a t e⏩
This columnist is a right-wing Republican who is trying to manufacture consent against Biden from the right for not reopening fast enough. Also, he’s not really slipping in the polls, his approval rating is in the low 50s and has been for his entire presidency.
his approval rating is in the low 50s
Wow! What a great democratic system America has where only half the population can be satisfied at once!
Just remember, an approval rating above 55% means you’re authoritarian and clearly pointing guns at all your citizens’ heads to make them push the “I Like The Government” button :19: :84:
i don’t get it i voted for SCIENCE how come the pandemic is getting worse