Permanently Deleted
this is lib shit
Why is the link a Google redirection trap?
The actual link of the article:
Also the majority of nerds on BBS in the 90s, the majority of 4chan users in the 2000s, the majority of image boarders were ideological mainstream, so reactionary, racist etc. etc. this means that those places of large exchange did produce and support more right wing memes than others. They also - sometimes planed, sometimes as taboo, sometimes out of sentiment - pushed and defended those reactionary ones. Together with the nerd aspect of :freeze-peach: you got a strong false equivalence of “anything goes” (that isn’t left).
However since for 4chan the images shown more often were those more often reposted you could drown out the noise of the other memes. This means that if you agreed with the mainstream you were marginalizing the other things, if you disliked the mainstream posts you could try to have influence, but that was hard.
Together with the sexualization and violence fetish reproduced there, as well as lack of accountability and report building, as well as endless scrolling you had tools that we now use from smart phones for high user engagement.
Leftwing memes are famously overwrought, esoteric, and verbose
This is basically why Dadaism came into being
Oh shit waddup