Much as I hate to say it, my parents would probably agree with this. They’re late boomer dems and they don’t want universal student loan forgiveness because “some people pick useless majors like music”
Yeah, this is the is-ought problem or whatever. There’s literally polling where the majority of Americans don’t want the extended child tax credit (free money for each child) to continue. Truly, this is what Reverend Wright meant by “God DAMN America!”
Idk man I’m at the point where I think we’re a failed species. No empathy to go around
The logic is simply absurd to me. Some teenager fresh out of high school decided they wanted to study something they like, like music, instead of something ““useful”” and because of that decision they deserve to be impoverished the rest of their life. Most of the people I know irl believe that shit :doomjak:
This is just bootstraps mentality and there is no fixing it. It is either a revolution or the government does it and shove it down the throat of whoever is complaining about it. If there is anything to consider is that most of the people who are against these things are thinking along partisan lines before anything else.
If you could imagine a world where the neoliberals feel it is necessary to make concessions like this as a last resort then a lot of the people who are against these things will fall in line. At the end of the day whether these people truly believe this shit or not may not be that relevant.
Are Dems acting dumber on purpose? This is a line a fucking high school debate club loser could fucking tear apart in 5 minutes.
Like do they know something we don’t? Like is there some horrible austerity down the line and they know they have to shift to being fiscally conservative now to nobody expects anything from them in future?
I mean Obama at least did ACA. You think they’d at least say they’ll think about doing shit and then wait for Manchin to stop them.
“Suppose…your child just decided they, at this time, [do] not want to go to college war but you’re paying taxes to forgive somebody else’s obligations. You may not be happy about that.”
If you change words it reads just like antisemitism or something idk
I hate these fucking demons so much
I don’t know what exactly it is that galls me so much more about liberals but shit like this makes me way angrier than anything the chuds do.
Sorry everyone, some people are going to be mad if we pass this popular bill. If everyone can’t be happy then no one can be happy. Sorry :good-morning: