Good. Hope he dies.
/r/politics libs: “he ghey!!! Lololololololollol”
Anyone who isn’t banned should go over there and report them for their breach of precious civility.
Wish I hadn’t, it’s all smug libs making the same “breaking news: COVID-19 infected with Lindsey Graham” joke, I swear I just saw it a dozen times scrolling to report the homophobic comments
Comrade covid, take my energy
tentative :crab-party:
1 in 10 chance, leeeeett’s gooooooooo!
Eh he’s vaccinated. Hopefully he caught it partying with Ron Johnson or something.
It’s actually 1 in 1,000 for sickness and 1 in 100,000 for death. :(
I hope I didn’t screw up the easy arithmetic: infographic