I don’t even fuckin’ remember what event inspired this, something about the Park Service calling Orange Man Bad or something?
I don’t remember this particular facet of awful lib merchandizing, but the whole “resist” thing came around when someone hung a big banner with that word on it from a crane across from the white house.
I’m not gonna lie. The first day I saw that banner go up, my first thought was “this might actually radicalize lots of fence sitters”
Now their revolution has been packaged, and sold back to them.
Trump appointed as head of the NPS the fucking guy who called in the SWAT team on Ranger Danno after he blew the whistle on clearcutting a bunch of trees to give Daniel Snyder a better view of the river from his mansion without an envirornmental impact assessment. Danno was supposedly suspected of stealing antique ranger badges, although all of them were his private property given as gifts for distinguished service.
I don’t know anything else that person did before getting appointed, or if his position justified appointment, I think literally that was the only thing of note in his career. Afterwards he got accused of sexual harassment and made a statement apologizing.
we need a “Wokey the Bear” emote